
马什律师事务所(Marsh & McLennan)旗下券商马什(Broker Marsh)周一表示,将推出全球首个专门针对氢能项目的保险。目前,这个新兴行业正寻求在应对气候变化的过程中迅速扩大规模。




Marsh表示,与美国国际集团(American International Group)和Liberty Specialty Markets合作开发的新设施将为全球氢气项目的建设和启动阶段提供每项风险高达3亿美元的保险。



Marsh Specialty能源与电力全球主管Andrew George表示:“Marsh的设施对保险业来说是一个重要的发展,将有助于加速全球能源向可再生能源的过渡。”



根据总部位于挪威的全球能源咨询公司DNV 6月份的一份报告,到2050年,可再生和低碳氢将只占全球最终能源结构的5%,无法满足气候目标。



Broker Marsh Launches World First Insurance for Hydrogen Projects

Broker Marsh, a unit of Marsh & McLennan, said on Monday it was launching the world’s first dedicated insurance for hydrogen energy projects, as the nascent industry looks to scale up quickly in the fight against climate change.

As the world targets net-zero emissions by mid-century in an effort to cap global warming, hydrogen, particularly “green” hydrogen made from renewable energy sources, is seen as a crucial means of getting there.

U.S. politicians earlier this month backed a $430 million spending package that included support for a range of renewable energy sources such as hydrogen.

Projects involving the highly flammable gas have often found it harder to find cover, partly because of the complexity and risks involved in production, transportation and storage, and as new and emerging technologies are generally considered riskier.

Developed with insurers American International Group and Liberty Specialty Markets, Marsh said the new facility would provide up to $300 million of cover per risk for the construction and start up phases of hydrogen projects globally.

The facility would be available to multinational organizations as well as smaller firms and cover both new and existing “blue” and “green” hydrogen projects, the world’s largest insurance broker said.

Blue hydrogen is produced from natural gas, while green hydrogen is made from renewable sources and is seen providing a flexible and low-emission fuel for transportation, electricity generation, and as an input into various industrial processes.

“Marsh’s facility is an important development for the insurance industry that will help enable the acceleration of the global energy transition to renewables,” said Andrew George, Global Head, Energy & Power, Marsh Specialty.

“As the global hydrogen industry, especially green hydrogen, scales up rapidly to meet demand the facility will reduce the complexity of securing risk transfer options for operators of all sizes and boosts investor and lender confidence in achieving their ambitious project timeframes.”

Marsh’s clients could either opt for coverage for the startup phase or choose a combined risks policy that extends to first-year operations, the New York-based company said.

Renewable and low-carbon hydrogen would account for only 5% of the global final energy mix by 2050, falling short of what is needed to meet climate goals, according to a report in June from Norway-based global energy consultancy DNV.

To meet the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees by 2050, hydrogen would need to reach 13%.

上一篇 2022年8月24日 06:01
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