
那是一个秋天风儿那么缠绵,让我想起他们,那双无助的眼,就在那美丽风景相伴的地方,我听到一声巨响震彻山谷,就是那个秋天,再也看不到爸爸的脸,他用他的双肩托起我重生的起点,黑暗中泪水沾满了双眼,不要离开,不要伤害,我看到爸爸奶奶就这么走远,留下我在这陌生的人世间,不知道未来还会有什么风险,我想要紧紧抓住她的手,奶奶告送我希望还会有,看到太阳出来,爸爸笑了,天亮了;这是一个夜晚,天上宿星点点,我在梦里看见我的奶奶爸爸,一个人在世上要学会坚强,你不要离开,不要伤害,我看到爸爸奶奶就这么走远留下我在这陌生的人世间,我愿为她建造一个美丽的花园,我要紧紧抓住她的手,奶奶爸爸告送我希望还会有,看到太阳出来,他们笑了,天亮了That’s a autumn~the wind is so much lingering~let me remind of their helpless eyes~right there that’s company with beautiful scenery~I heard a large and loud sound that ‘s full of the valley~It was that fall~Never to see father’s face again and any more~In the darkness,tears fill with eyes~Don’t leave me and hurt,please!~I saw grandma and Dad go away far,just like this~left me longly in the whole strange world~I can’t sure I will experience what’s kind of hardships and danger in the future;I want to clip her/his hands tightly~but she told me there is more hope again~Dad smiles when see the sun rises;day breaks;this is a night~Pleiades dotting in the night sky~I see my grandma and father in my dream~only one in the world must learn to be strong~don’t leave and hurt,please you~I see Dad and grandma leave so very far away like this~left me in the strange world~I would like to build a beautiful garden for her~see the sun rises~they smile~the day breaks

上一篇 2022年8月13日 19:10
下一篇 2022年8月13日 19:10


