


anybody who says no is obviously wrong


Lol, the warriors were healthy in 2017. Draymond didn’t get suspended. Cavs couldn’t beat a full strength warriors with or without kd

哈哈,勇士队在 2017 年很健康。德雷蒙德也没有被停赛。无论有没有KD,骑士队都无法击败全能的勇士

In game 5 elimination LeBron had:41 Points 13 Rebounds 8 Assists 2 steals 1 Block

19/30 FG ‼ 63% GSW won 129-120

在面临淘汰的第 5 场比赛中勒布朗30投19中(命中率63%)得到41 分 13 篮板 8 助攻 2 抢断 1 盖帽,最终勇士以 129-120 获胜夺得总冠军。

No, they couldn’t beat a full strength warriors team. Needed Draymond suspended when curry was already hurt to barely win


Well they clearly did in 2016 lol. They still lost game 6 & game 7 back to back after Draymond came back so that excuse is invalid


Didn’t lebron lose in that finals. Btw didn’t Durant avg like 36 on lebron? He didn’t play any defense. Remember running from KD on 2 different game 3s in 17 and 18. Same spot dagger!


35* and to say bron didn’t play any defense is crazy when he did he just didn’t guard kd cuz he was doing everything offensively


What a weird question.

Is there ANY team that could’ve won a championship without the Finals MVP playing an single game?


Warriors won 8-1 in the Finals when KD was “healthy”. Without KD, I still see the Warriors winning in 2017 and 2018. It would just take a longer time.

当KD“健康”时,勇士队在总决赛中以8胜1负。如果没有 KD,我仍然认为勇士队在 2017 年和 2018 年获胜。只是需要更多的场次。

If the Warriors didn’t sign KD, the Cavs would’ve won in 2017 and 2018

如果勇士队没有签下 KD,骑士队将在 2017 年和 2018 年夺得总冠军

Yes, and would have 3peat as well. People underrate that ’17 Cavs team because they lost but that’s easily one of the greatest teams ever

是的,也会有三连冠。人们低估了 17 年的骑士队,因为他们输了,但这支球队很容易成为有史以来最伟大的球队之一。

Lebron won a g7 by fewer than five points while trailing 3-1 and somehow he’s convinced ppl that he would absolutely destroy and beat gsw if they played again w no kd


He literally had a 51.8.8 finals game against that KD warriors & they still lost that game.

他有一场总决赛对阵有KD的勇士队得到51分8篮板8 助攻,但他们仍然输掉了那场比赛。

The warriors need kd in 17 to win but they didn’t in 18

勇士队在 17 年需要 kd 才能获胜,但他们在 18 年不需要KD也能获胜

Kyrie saved his ass from getting swepted with a 40 pieces in game 4.

凯里在第 4 场比赛中得到40分避免被横扫。

They would win for sure. 2017 Cavs was better than 16, and they had more confidence too. GS wouldn’t win 17 and 18 rings without KD.

他们肯定会赢。2017骑士队比16强,而且更有信心。如果没有 KD,勇士队不会赢得 17 和 18 两个冠军。

These stats don’t matter unless you win.


But ppl agreeing with Steph saying they woulda beat the 01 Lakers…


It’s funny history will always say “what if they didn’t have KD” But not “what if lebron ain’t have kyrie or love. OH WAIT. He didn’t in 2015…they was UP 2-1 & LOST 3 STRAIGHT WITH NO KD.

有趣的是,历史总是会说 “如果他们(勇士队)没有KD会怎么样” 但不会说 “如果勒布朗没有凯里或乐福,会怎么样”。哦,等一下。勇士在2015年没有KD的情况下,骑士队2-1领先,接下来连续输了3场。

Joker will average 34, 15 and 10 when he plays in the finals.


of course, they would have had $25-30 mil to spend on another star.

当然,他们会有 2500-3000 万美元交易来另外一位全明星球员。

Yes that’s why they went and got KD


This is what it comes down to? We have to take the best player off each team for lebron to have a shot?


If Lebron didn’t have Ray Allen or Kyrie then he has two less rings.


Would KD have won if he wasn’t on the Warriors


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