
1 using == to compare primitive wrappers objects such as Integer

Integer int1_1 = Integer.valueOf(“1”);Integer int1_2 = Integer.valueOf(1);System.out.println(“int1_1 == int1_2: ” + (int1_1 == int1_2)); // trueSystem.out.println(“int1_1 equals int1_2: ” + int1_1.equals(int1_2)); // trueInteger int2_3 = Integer.valueOf(“1000”);Integer int2_2 = Integer.valueOf(1000);System.out.println(“int2_3 == int2_4: ” + (int2_3 == int2_4)); // falseSystem.out.println(“int2_3 equals int2_4: ” + int2_3.equals(int2_4)); // true

The JVM maintains a cache of Integer objects for the range -128 to 127. For values in this range, the Integer. valueOf() will return the cached value rather than creating a new one. Thus, in the first example the Integer.valueOf(1) and Integer.valueOf(“1”) calls returned the same cached Integer instance. By contrast, in the second example the Integer. valueOf(1000) and Integer. valueOf(“1000”) both created and returned new Integer objects.

JVM维护范围为128到127的整数对象缓存。对于此范围内的值,为整数。valueOf()将返回缓存的值,而不是创建新值。因此,在第一个示例中,Integer.valueOf(1) 和 Integer.valueOf(“1”)调用返回了相同的缓存整数实例。相比之下,在第二个示例中,valueOf(1000) 和 Integer. valueOf(“1000”)创建并返回了新的整数对象。

The == operator for reference types tests for reference equality (i. e. the same object). Therefore, in the first example int1_1 == int1_2 is true because the references are the same. In the second example int2_1 == int2_2 is false because the references are different.

引用类型的==运算符测试引用相等性(即相同的对象)。因此,在第一个示例中,int1_1 == int1_2是真的,因为引用是相同的。在第二个示例中,int2_1 == int2_2为false,因为引用不同。

2 using == to compare strings

public class Hello { public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length > 0) if(args[0] == “hello”) { // always false, one point to heap , another point to iteral pool System.out.println(“Hello back to you”); else System.out.println(“Are you feeling grumpy today?”); }}

The correct way to test strings is to use the equals(Object) method.

public class Hello2 { public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length > 0) { if(args[0].equals(“hello”)) System.out.println(“Hello back to you”); else System.out.println(“Are you feeling grumpy today?”); } }}


public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = “hello”; // point to iteral pool String s2 = “hello”; // point to the same above if(s1 == s2) System.out.println(“same”); // same else System.out.println(“different”); }}

3 forgetting to free resources

private static void printFileJava6() throws IOException { FileInputStream input; try { input = new FileInputStream(“file.txt”); int data =; while(data != -1){ System.out.print((char) data); data =; } } finally { if(input != null) { input.close(); // don’t forget } }}

4 thinking of variables as objects

No Java variable represents an object.

String foo; // NOT AN OBJECT

Neither does any Java array contain objects.

String bar[] = new String[100]; // No member is an object.

The equality operator does NOT test that two objects are equal.


Applying the equality (==) operator to reference values tests if the values refer to the same object. It does not test whether two (different) objects are “equal” in the intuitive sense.


Method calls do NOT pass objects at all.


Java method calls use pass by value1 to pass arguments and return a result.


When you pass a reference value to a method, you’re actually passing a reference to an object by value, which means that it is creating a copy of the object reference.


As long as both object references are still pointing to the same object, you can modify that object from either reference, and this is what causes confusion for some.


However, you are not passing an object by reference2. The distinction is that if the object reference copy is modified to point to another object, the original object reference will still point to the original object.


void f(Point foo) { foo.x = 42; foo = new Point(3, 4); // Point local foo at a different object.}

5 Not understanding that String is an immutable class

New Java programmers often forget, or fail to fully comprehend, that the Java String class is immutable. This leads to problems like the one in the following example:


public class Shout { public static void main(String[] args) { for(String s : args) { s.toUpperCase(); System.out.print(s); System.out.print(” “); } System.out.println(); }}

The above code is supposed to print command line arguments in upper case. Unfortunately, it does not work, the case of the arguments is not changed.


In reality, the toUpperCase() method returns a String object which is an uppercase version of the String that you call it on. This will probably be a new String object, but if s was already all uppercase, the result could be the existing string.


6 combining assignment and side-effects

i += a[i++] + b[i–]; // more sequence points and side-effects, not allowed

7 Using ‘==’ to test a boolean

Sometimes a new Java programmer will write code like this:

public void check(boolean ok) { if(ok == true) { // redundancy, Note ‘ok == true’ System.out.println(“It is OK”); }}

8 Using ‘assert’ for argument or user input validation

A question that occasionally on StackOverflow is whether it is appropriate to use assert to validate arguments supplied to a method, or even inputs provided by the user.


The simple answer is that it is not appropriate.


Better alternatives include:


Throwing an IllegalArgumentException using custom code.


Using the Preconditions methods available in Google Guava library.

使用Google Guava库中可用的前提条件方法。

Using the Validate methods available in Apache Commons Lang3 library.

使用Apache Commons Lang3库中可用的验证方法。

9 Wildcard imports can make your code fragile

Consider the following partial example:

import com.example.somelib.*; // not recommendimport com.acme.otherlib.*; //public class Test { private Context x = new Context(); // from com.example.somelib …}

10 other syntax pitfall

10.1 Missing a ‘break’ in a ‘switch’ case

10.2 Declaring classes with the same names as standard classes

10.3 Leaving out braces: the “dangling if” and “dangling else” problems

10.4 Octal literals ( 010 is not 10)

10.5 Ignoring method visibility

10.6 Misplaced semicolons and missing braces

10.7 Overloading instead of overriding

10.8 Auto-Unboxing Null Objects into Primitives

11 Threads and Concurrency related

11.1 Too many threads makes an application slower

11.2 incorrect use of wait() / notify()

11.3 Shared variables require proper synchronization

11.4 Thread creation is relatively expensive

12 Nulls and NullPointerException

12.1 Using null to represent an empty array or collection

12.2 Not checking if an I/O stream isn’t even initialized when closing it

12.3 Returning null instead of throwing an exception

12.4 Unnecessary use of Primitive Wrappers can lead to NullPointerExceptions

13 Exception usage

13.1 Catching Throwable, Exception, Error or RuntimeException

13.2 Ignoring or squashing exceptions

13.3 Throwing Throwable, Exception, Error or RuntimeException

13.4 Using exceptions for normal flowcontrol

13.5 Directly subclassing `Throwable

13.6 Catching InterruptedException

13.7 Excessive or inappropriate stacktraces

14 memory leaks related

Java manages memory automatically. You are not required to free memory manually. An object’s memory on the heap may be freed by a garbage collector when the object is no longer reachable by a live thread.


However, you can prevent memory from being freed, by allowing objects to be reachable that are no longer needed. Whether you call this a memory leak or memory packratting, the result is the same — an unnecessary increase in allocated memory.


Memory leaks in Java can happen in various ways, but the most common reason is everlasting object references, because the garbage collector can’t remove objects from the heap while there are still references to them.


15 Performance Issues

15.1 String concatenation in a loop does not scale

15.2 Using size() to test if a collection is empty is inefficient

15.3 Interning strings so that you can use == is a bad idea

15.4 Using ‘new’ to create primitive wrapper instances is inefficient

15.5 Efficiency concerns with regular expressions

15.6 Small reads / writes on unbuffered streams are inefficient

15.7 Over-use of primitive wrapper types is inefficient

15.8 The overheads of creating log messages

15.9 Iterating a Map’s keys can be inefficient

15.10 Calling System.gc() is inefficient

15.11 Calling ‘new String(String)’ is inefficient


《Java Notes For Professionals》


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