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(Via CNN)
They were billed as innovative, next-generation banknotes with added security — but Australia’s new $50 note also contains another feature: An unfortunate typo. 广告宣称这种加入了防伪技术的新一代澳大利亚50元面额纸币是一项创举,不过它也包含了另一个特征:一个不幸的错别字。Around 400 million new notes were printed — and 46 million of them are in circulation, according to the central bank the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The total value of the notes in circulation is around $2.3 billion (US$1.6 billion).据澳大利亚中央银行——澳大利亚储备银行称,这种新纸币已经印刷了大约4亿张,其中4600万张已经在流通中。流通中纸币的总价值大约在23亿澳元(16亿美元)。But an eagle-eyed observer has spotted a problem with the new notes: The word “Responsibility” is missing an “i.”但有眼尖的人发现了这枚新纸币上的一个问题:单词Responsibility少了一个i。▲Australia prints 400 million banknotes with a typo (via CNN)
首先曝光这个错别字的是总部设在墨尔本的Triple M电台。有个匿名的听众打电话告诉他们,这个藏在一大段微型文本中的错别字,而这个错别字用肉眼是很难发现的。
(Via Instagram)
The note features the Indigenous writer and inventor David Unaipon on one side, and Edith Cowan, Australia’s first female member of parliament, on the other – as it has since 1995.这枚纸币一面上印着澳大利亚土著作家兼发明家戴维·乌奈庞(David Unaipon),另一面上印着澳大利亚首位女性国会议员埃迪斯·科文(Edith Cowan)。从1995年开始,这枚纸币上就印着他们了。The RBA has printed “micro-text” on the note with excerpts of Unaipon’s book, Legendary Tales of the Australian Aborigines, and Cowan’s first speech to parliament.澳大利亚储备银行摘录乌奈庞《澳大利亚土著人的传奇与传说》一书中的段落,和科文首次的国会演讲,用微型文字印在纸币的两面。The small error occurred on Cowan’s side, in the text of her speech.那个微型的拼写错误就出现在科文的一面,在她的演讲文字中。▲Australian $50 note typo: spelling mistake printed 46 million times (via The Guardian)
(Via CNN)
“These banknotes are legal tender and can continue to be used as normal. It does not affect their validity and functionality in any way,” a spokeswoman said in a statement to CNN. “We have reviewed our processes to remove the likelihood of such an error occurring in the future.”“这些纸币是合法货币,可以继续作为正常货币使用。无论如何,这个错误不会影响到它们的价值和功能,”澳大利亚储备银行的一个发言人在给CNN的一份声明中称。“我们已经检查了我们的印刷过程,来消除未来发生这种错误的可能。”▲Australia prints 400 million banknotes with a typo (via CNN)
整合:Du Qiongfang
原文:CNN, The Guardian
图:CNN, Instagram, 网络